We are on a mission to take back the Cocktail Hour!
A Wedding is a beautiful thing, but there is a ton of planning and a ton of money, and it usually only lasts 6, 7, maybe 8 hours max. So why waste any of that time? Especially 1 whole hour where all your friends and family are in one place, and it is dedicated to drinking. Cocktail Hour is never a bad thing, there is music, apps, and people talking and catching up usually in beautiful locations. However, whenever I am at a wedding I just get a feeling that maybe we could do a little more…
We want to take back the Cocktail Hour and claim it not just as a stop gap between the Ceremony and Dinner, but as a time to get creative, get your guests loose, and set the tone for the party. Our goal is to move away from a playlist on a phone, or a solo guitarist in the corner, and one corn hole set laid out for the kids. Let’s think more about beer tasting, live DJs, bounce houses, street magicians, and experiences that will leave your guests amazed, and instagramming like crazy!!!
Here are our tips, and ideas to fit all budgets:
Keep it Simple
You don’t need to spend any extra cash, but just make sure your DJ is going to pay attention to providing the right kind of music. Your friends and family have just seen you get married, they are now hanging out in a beautiful location with food and drink. So the music should be fun!! It should also fit the location and the vibe of your venue. See below for our playlist ideas for different venue styles
Step it Up
Don’t just settle for the playlist on the phone. Just like at every lounge, pool party, or nice brunch spot, music is better mixed or performed live. Get your DJ to not only build your playlist, but perform it live, and perform it with energy!! Want live music? Then forget the background music, and let’s make sure it is something people will remember.
Check out our Live Disco Funk Cocktail Hour Mix.
Let’s Really Make it a Party
The end goal is we want Cocktail Hour to be the party it deserves. That extends beyond the music, and let’s make this an experience.
Here are ideas: